Ganghwa County Visit – 2023 January

Follow me as I explore Ganghwa County in South Korea to photograph life along the border of North Korea

COVID-19 Now In North Korea

North Korea has revealed information about COVID-19 spread during its latest politburo meeting

China-DPRK Border Towns During The Covid Pandemic (Tumen Update – 2022 February)

Our resident contributor, Minhye, recently visited Tumen City (图们市) to see if there has been any changes along the border of the DPRK. Unfortunately, there isn’t anything new to report and there aren’t any increased border patrols on both the Chinese and North Korean side. As of February 2022, there are increased outbreaks of Covid-19 […]

2022 DPRK Calendar Giveaway

I’m making the latest official 2022 DPRK calendars available here for download.

China-DPRK Border Towns During The Covid Pandemic (PART 2 – Tumen)

Part 2 of exploring Chinese towns at the border with the DPRK during the 2021 COVID-19 pandemic. We follow Minhye as she takes a trip to Tumen City (图们市). Tumen city is a small town that is part of the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, located in Jilin Province in northeast China. It has an ethnic Korean population of approximately 80,000.

China-DPRK Border Towns During The Covid Pandemic (PART 1 – Changbai)

Since January 2020, the DPRK has shut its borders due to the COVID-19 virus. China has also implemented strict border controls to maintain their zero-COVID strategy. It has been almost two years since tourism halted between these two friendly neighbours. With no more tours to the DPRK being offered, what is life and tourism like in the Chinese border towns during such times? Our resident contributor made recent trips to visit border towns along the Yalu River and Tumen River. Join Minhye on her journey as she explores the Changbai Korean Autonomous County

DPRK-USA Summit In Singapore – 3rd Anniversary

It’s been three years since the DPRK-USA Summit of 2018. It was a brief moment when the entire world focused its attention towards the tiny island nation of Singapore. Today, a brass plate memorialised this historic event and marks the exact spot where Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump first met and […]

DAY OF THE SUN: KIM Il SUNG’s BIRTHDAY 태양절: 김일성주석의 탄생일

Kim Il Sung’s birthday was designated an official holiday in 1967. However this date was later named “Day of the Sun” on the 3rd anniversary of his death in 1997. The “Sun” refers to President Kim Il Sung as the eternal “Sun of Korea”.

Founding of the Korean People’s Army.

The North Korean Military is known as the KPA (Korean People’s Army 조선인민군) and was founded 73 years ago today on 8th February, 1948. It originated from the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army, which was was established on 25 April 1932 by Kim Il Sung.

Clever Raccoon Dog

Clever Raccoon Dog is the most popular children’s cartoon in North Korea and you can find character statues in parks and playgrounds across the country.